> Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
Thank you for using gusuku Customine.
We would like to inform you about an issue that occurred in environments where users applied to use the beta version of "kintone AI Assistant", which was launched on January 16, 2025. The issue affected the operation of gusuku Customine but has now been resolved. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
To execute kintone app customizations using gusuku Customine in environments where the beta version is enabled, a manual action is required on the user's end.
After logging in to gusuku Customine, please click the "Register to kintone App" button for the relevant customization.
Occurrence Date and Time: Early morning, January 16, 2025
Resolution Date and Time: Around 5:40 PM, January 16, 2025
Affected Scope: Users who encountered the following error displayed in a dialog box or console log when attempting to execute kintone app customizations in subdomains where the beta version of "kintone AI Assistant" was enabled:
Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
We apologize once again for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Maintenance and incident announcement / 障害・メンテナンス情報
[R3] Support
平素はgusuku Customine をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
2025年1月16日より提供が開始されました【「kintone AIアシスタント(仮称)」β版】の利用にご応募されたユーザー様の環境にて、gusuku Customineの動作に影響がでておりましたが、現在は修正されております。
このβ版が有効な環境にてgusuku Customineによるkintoneアプリカスタマイズを実行するためには、お客様側にて操作が必要となります。
gusuku Customineにログイン後、該当のカスタマイズの「kintoneアプリへ登録」ボタンをクリックしていただきますようお願いいたします。
2025年1月16日 未明
2025年1月16日 17時40分頃
【「kintone AIアシスタント(仮称)」β版】が有効になったサブドメインでkintoneアプリのカスタマイズ実行時に
> Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
Thank you for using gusuku Customine.
We would like to inform you about an issue that occurred in environments where users applied to use the beta version of "kintone AI Assistant", which was launched on January 16, 2025. The issue affected the operation of gusuku Customine but has now been resolved. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
To execute kintone app customizations using gusuku Customine in environments where the beta version is enabled, a manual action is required on the user's end.
After logging in to gusuku Customine, please click the "Register to kintone App" button for the relevant customization.
Occurrence Date and Time:
Early morning, January 16, 2025
Resolution Date and Time:
Around 5:40 PM, January 16, 2025
Affected Scope:
Users who encountered the following error displayed in a dialog box or console log when attempting to execute kintone app customizations in subdomains where the beta version of "kintone AI Assistant" was enabled:
We apologize once again for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.